Where are ready

Publié le par GateTour

GateTour is a challenge between two famous schools. The first one, where I manage this blog, is in Paris, France: GOBELINS, l'école de l'image. The second is an Art Institute San Francisco Art Institute based in SanFrancisco California, USA, where the weather is always sunny.
Those two schools have to work together to create and propose a masterpiece.Tomorrow is the first very important day for this project. Not only because a strike is going to paralyzed Paris but because the two teams are going to have their first meeting by videoconference.

Everything is ready at San Francisco for this event. Their team is formed, and Paul Klein looks forward to starting work. By the Parisian side, the meetings are finished and the team is almost up.  The French GateTour Staff has successfully tested the videoconferencing.


Publié dans Making Off

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